Foreign language courses

A number of foreign language courses are offered by the International Office, sometimes in cooperation with other departments. At present, we offer courses in Chinese, English, French, and Spanish. Courses are offered during the semester and during lecture-free periods (attendence is compulsory for these courses). You can register via Additional Courses. Courses are available to students and staff of the Jade University.
Foreign Language Courses at the Jade University
Whether you are planning to go abroad or just want to brush up your knowledge of a language, our language courses are ideal for this. Language courses at the Jade University are organised by the International Office, and sometimes in cooperation with departments.
Learning languages online
Speexx, anytime, anywhere - Login
You want to learn a language and meet new people at the same time?
The Language Café at Café Freiblock in Wilhelmshaven offers the perfect opportunity to do this.
At the Language Café students from different countries get together to talk about their cultures, learn English in a relaxed environment, and find language tandem partners. At the Language Café we also organise pub quizzes which cover the geography, culture and language of each country, and are then be held at the following International Evening. , There will be a prize for the winner of the quiz!
Anyone who wants to meet people from different cultures and backgrounds, is invited to join us for some soft drinks, coffee, tea, cake, and to take part in our pub quiz, to relax and have fun.
There is no need to register. Please contact Daniel Huber or Rita Forkel if you have any questions.
Café Freiblock, Marienstraße 12, 26382 Wilhelmshaven
Dates for the summer semester 2020 will be published at the beginning of the semester
Learning languages abroad
You would like to learn a language immersed in the local culture and surrounded by native speakers? A number of universities abroad also offer language courses. The DAAD offers an overview on its website (only available in German). The following courses are offered by some of our partners, who have asked us to advertise their courses.
English for university staff
Courses for administrative and teaching staff