Buchveröffentlichungen und Buchkapitel

  • B. Lohmann, T. Bechtold, P. Eberhard, J. Fehr, D. J. Rixen, M. Cruz Varona, C. Lerch, C. D. Yuan, E. B. Rudnyi, B. Fröhlich, P. Holzwarth, D. Grunert, C. H. Meyer, J. B. Rutzmoser “Model Order Reduction in Mechanical Engineering“ in Model Order Reduction, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020.
  • S. Shakil, M. Kudryavtsev, T. Bechtold, A. Greiner, J. G. Korvink, “Compact Modeling Techniques for Magnetic Resonance Detectors”, in J. Anders, J. G. Korvink (ed.), “Micro and Nano Scale NMR: Technologies and Systems“, Wiley-VCH book series on Advanced Micro and Nanosystems, pp. 21-56, (2018).
  • G. Denk, T. Bechtold, M. Culpo, C. de Falco, A. Rusakov, “COMSON Demonstrator Platform”, in M. Guenther (ed.), “Coupled Multiscale Simulation and Optimization in Nanoelectronics”, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, (ISBN 978-3-662-46671-1), pp. 455-502, (2015).
  • T. Bechtold, G. Schrag, L. Feng (eds), “System-Level Modeling of MEMS”, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, (ISBN: 3527319034), (2013).
  • D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, E. Rudnyi, B. Op het Veld, R. van Schaijk, "Towards system-level simulation of energy harvesting modules"  in "System-Level Modeling of MEMS”, Wiley-VCH book series on Advanced Micro and Nanosystems, pp. 313-334, (2013).
  • T. Bechtold, D. Hohlfeld, E. B. Rudnyi, J.G. Korvink, “Moment-matching-based linear model order reduction for non-parametric and parametric electro-thermal MEMS models” in “System-Level Modeling of MEMS” Wiley Book Series on Advanced Micro and Nanosystems, pp. 213-236, (2013).
  • T. Bechtold, E. B. Rudnyi, J. G. Korvink, “Model Order Reduction for Electro-Thermal MEMS”, in W.H.A. Schilders and H.A. van der Vorst, (eds), "Model order reduction: theory, research aspects and applications”, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Series: Mathematics in Industry, pp. 403-420, (ISBN 978-3-540-78840-9), (2008).
  • T. Bechtold, E. B. Rudnyi, J. G. Korvink, “Fast Simulation of Electro-Thermal MEMS: Efficient Dynamic Compact Models”, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Series: MEMS and Microtechnology, (ISBN 978-3-540-34612-8), (2006).


Beiträge in internationalen Fachzeitschriften

  • Y. Rao, C. Xu, M. Voss, P. Ying; H- Reith, K. Nielsch, T. Bechtold, D. Hohlfeld, “Fabrication and Characterization of a Thermoelectric Generator with High Aspect Ratio Thermolegs for Electrically Active Implants”, Advanced Materials Technologies, vol. 9, no. 1, 2024.
  • C.B. Umunnakwe, I. Zawra, M. Niessner, E.B. Rudnyi, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Compact modelling of a thermo-mechanical finite element model of a microelectronic package”, Microelectronics Reliability, vol.151, 2023.
  • C. Yuan, A. Schütz, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Towards System-Level Simulation of a Miniature Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Model”, Electronics, vol. 12(15), 2023.
  • A. Schütz, T. Bechtold, “Model Order Reduction of Microactuators: Theory and Application”, Actuators, vol.12(6): 235, 2023.
  • S. Hu, U. Fitzer, K. C. Nguyen, D. Hohlfeld, J. G. Korvink, T. Bechtold, “Multi-Objective Topology Optimization of a Broadband Piezoelectric Energy Harvester”, Micromachines, 14.2: 332, 2023.
  • Y. Rao, T. Bechtold and D. Hohlfeld, “Design Optimization of a Packaged Thermoelectric Generator for Electrically Active Implants”, Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 139, pp. 114843, 2022.
  • S. Bouhedma, S. Hu, A. Schütz, F. Lange, T. Bechtold, M. Ouali, D. Hohlfeld, “Analysis and Characterization of Optimized Dual-Frequency Vibration Energy Harvesters for Low-Power Industrial Applications”, Micromachines, vol. 13(7), 1078, 2022.
  • A. Schütz, S. Maeter, T. Bechtold, “System-Level Modelling and Simulation of a Multiphysical Kick and Catch Actuator System”, Actuators, vol. 10(11), 2021.
  • M. Olbrich, A. Schütz, T. Bechtold, C. Ament, “Design and optimal control of a multistable, cooperative microactuator”, Actuators, vol. 10(8):183, 2021.
  • Y. Rao, C. Yuan, G. Sadashivaiah, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Efficient design optimization of a miniaturized thermoelectric generator for electrically active implants based on parametric model order reduction”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 37(10), 2021.
  • S. Hu, S. Bouhedma, A. Schütz, S. Stindt, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Design optimization of multi-resonant piezoelectric energy harvesters”, Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 120, 2021.
  • A. Schütz, M. Olbrich, S. Hu, C. Ament, T. Bechtold, “Parametric system-level models for position-control of novel electromagnetic free flight microactuator”, Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 119, 2021.
  • C. Yuan, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Design optimization of a miniaturized thermoelectric generator via parametric model order reduction”, Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 119, 2021.
  • C. Yuan, S. Hu, T. Bechtold, “Stable Compact Modeling of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Devices”, COMPEL-The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 39(2), 2020.
  • C. Yuan, S. Kreß, G. Sadashivaiah, E.B. Rudnyi, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Towards Efficient Design Optimization of a Miniaturized Thermoelectric Generator for Electrically Active Implants via Model Order Reduction and Submodeling Technique”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 36(4), 2020.
  • S. Bouhedma, Y. Rao, A. Schütz, C. Yuan, S. Hu, L. Fred, T. Bechtold, D. Hohlfeld, “System-level Model and Simulation of a Frequency-Tunable Vibration Energy Harvester”, Micromachines, vol. 11(1), 2020.
  • (invited) S. Hu, C. Yuan, A. Castagnotto, B. Lohmann, S. Bouhedma, D. Hohlfeld and T. Bechtold, “Stable Reduced Order Modelling of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Modules Using Implicit Schur Complement”, Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 85, pp. 148-155, 2018.
  • M. Kudryavtsev, E. B. Rudnyi, J. G. Korvink, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Computationally Efficient and Stable Order Reduction Methods for a Large-Scale Model of MEMS Piezoelectric Energy Harvester”, Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 55(5), pp. 747-757, 2015.
  • T. Bechtold, T. Hauck, L. Voss, E. B. Rudnyi, “Efficient Electro-Thermal Simulation of Power Semiconductor Devices via Model order Reduction”, Electronics Cooling, December 2011, pp. 22-27, 2011.

  • T. Bechtold, D. Hohlfeld, E. B. Rudnyi, “Efficient extraction of thin film thermal parameters from numerical models via parametric model ordert reduction”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 20, pp. 045030, 2010.
  • T. Bechtold, M. Striebel, K. Mohaghegh, E. J. W. ter Maten, “Nonlinear Model Order Reduction in Nanoelectronics: Combination of POD and TPWL”, PAMM, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 8(1), pp. 10057-10060, 2008.
  • Verhoeven, T. Voss, P. Astrid, E.J.W. ter Maten, T. Bechtold, “Model order reduction for nonlinear problems in circuit simulation”, PAMM, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 7(1), pp. 1021603-1021604, 2007.

  • T. Bechtold, E. B. Rudnyi, J. G. Korvink, “Dynamic electro-thermal simulation of microsystems – a review”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 15, pp. R17-R31, 2005.

  • T. Bechtold, E. B. Rudnyi, M. Graf, A. Hierlemann, J. G. Korvink, “Connecting heat transfer macromodels for MEMS array structures”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 15(6), pp. 1205-1214, 2005.

  • T. Bechtold, E. B. Rudnyi, J. G. Korvink, “Error indicators for fully automatic extraction of heat-transfer macromodels for MEMS”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 15(3), pp. 430-440, 2005.
  • B. Salimbahrami, B. Lohmann, T. Bechtold, J. G. Korvink, “A two-sided Arnoldi-algorithm with stopping criterion and MIMO selection procedure”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, vol. 11(1), pp. 79-93, 2005.

  • J. Hildenbrandt, T. Bechtold, “Microhotplate Gas Sensor ”, in Benner, P.,Golub, G., Mehrmann, V., Sorensen, D. (eds) “Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (LNCSE)”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, vol. 45, 2005.

  • D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Tunable Optical Filter”, in Benner, P.,Golub, G., Mehrmann, V., Sorensen, D. (eds) “Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (LNCSE)”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, vol. 45, 2005.

  • T. Bechtold, E. B. Rudnyi, J. G. Korvink, “Automatic Generation of Compact Electro-Thermal Models for Semiconductor Devices“, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E86C, pp. 459-65, 2003.


Konferenzbeiträge (seit 2017)

  • C. Yuan, S. Maeter, Y. Maniar, T. Bechtold, “Re-Integrating a Reduced-Order Model into Finite Element Environment for Thermo-Mechanical Reliability Analysis in Microelectronics”, 2024 IEEE 10th Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), October 2024, Berlin, Germany.
  • A. Schütz, L. Nolle, T. Bechtold, “Model Order Reduction Augmented by a Neural Network for a Nonlinear Electrostatic Microactuator”, International Conference and Exhibition on New Actuator Systems and Applications (ACTUATOR 2024), June 2024, Wiesbaden, Germany.
  • C. Yuan, S. Maeter, A. Schütz, I. Zawra, M. v. Soestbergen, T. Bechtold, “Efficient Simulation of Nonlinear Plastic Models in Microelectronics: A Trajectory Piecewise Linear-Based Model Order Reduction”, 25th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2024, Catania, Sicily, Italy.
  • C. Yuan, M. Niessner, T. Bechtold, “Model Order Reduction of a Microelectronic Package Subjected to Temperature Cycling and Vibration Test”, 25th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2024, Catania, Sicily, Italy.
  • A. Schütz, T. Bechtold, “Model Order Reduction of an Electromagnetic Actuator with Moving Components via Piecewise Quadratic Coupling”, 25th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2024, Catania, Sicily, Italy.
  • S. Hu, B. Manansala, T. Bechtold, “Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization of Multi-Resonant MEMS”, 25th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2024, Catania, Sicily, Italy.
  • U. Fitzer, P. Goyal, A. Schütz, I. Zawra, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Comparison of Model Order Reduction Methods for a Linear Finite Element Model of an Electrically Stimulated Neuron” 25th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2024, Catania, Sicily, Italy.
  • I. Zawra, J. Zaal, M. v. Soestbergen, T. Hauck, E. B. Rudnyi, T. Bechtold, “Compact Modelling of Wafer Level Chip-Scale Package via Parametric Model Order Reduction”. In: M. van Beurden, N. V. Budko, G. Ciuprina,W. Schilders, H. Bansal, R. Barbulescu (eds), Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering. SCEE 2022. Mathematics in Industry, vol 43, 2024, Springer, Cham.
  • C. Yuan, A. Schütz, D. Hohlfeld, and T. Bechtold, “Matrix interpolation-based parametric model order reduction of a miniaturized electromagnetic energy harvester model,” 22nd International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS), December 2023, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
  • Y. Rao, M. Voss, T. Bechtold, D. Hohlfeld, “Implantable Thermoelectric Generator with High Aspect Ratio Thermolegs and Integrated Voltage Converter”,22nd International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS), December 2023, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
  • A. Schütz, R. Roden, M. Blau, S. Van De Par, T. Bechtold, "Highly Efficient Computation of HRTFs by Krylov Subspace-Based Model Order Reduction for Virtual Acoustical Rendering", 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association (Forum Acusticum), September 2023, Torino, Italy.
  • C.B. Umunnakwe, I. Zawra, E.B. Rudnyi, M. Niessner, T. Bechtold, “Thermo-Mechanical Super-Element of a Packaged-Chip Model for the Reintegration of Reduced State-Space Models into Finite Element Analysis Tools”, 24th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2023, Graz, Austria.
  • U. Fitzer, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Neuron-Electrode Interface with Hodgkin-Huxley Model in ANSYS”, 24th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2023, Graz, Austria.
  • I. Zawra, C.B. Umunnakwe, M. van Soestbergen, E.B. Rudnyi, T. Bechtold, “Stress Recovery in the Reduced Space for Parametric Reduced Models in Microelectronics”, 24th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2023, Graz, Austria.
  • A. Schütz, T. Bechtold, “Matrix Interpolation-Based Parametric Model Order Reduction of Electromagnetic Systems with Translational Movement”, 24th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2023, Graz, Austria.
  • C. Yuan, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Towards System-level Simulation of an Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Model via Equivalent Circuit Extraction from ANSYS Maxwell 3D”, 24th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2023, Graz, Austria.
  • A. Schütz, M. Farny, M. Olbrich, M. Hoffmann, C. Ament, T. Bechtold, “Model Order Reduction of a Nonlinear Electromechanical Beam Actuator by Clustering Nonlinearities”, ACTUATOR 2022, International Conference and Exhibition on New Actuator Systems and Applications, September 2022, Mannheim, Germany.
  • U. Fitzer, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Reduced Order Model of a Neuron-Electrode Interface Coupled to a Hodgkin-Huxley Model”, 8th World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Sciences (EECSS’22), July 2022, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Y. Rao, T. Bechtold and D. Hohlfeld, “Fabrication Strategy for a Thermoelectric Generator with High-aspect-ratio Thermolegs for Electrically Active Implants”, EASS 2022, 11th GMM-Symposium, July 2022, Erfurt, Germany.
  • C. Yuan, S. Hu, T. Bechtold, “Stable Parametric Model Order Reduction of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester by Matrix Interpolation”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(20), MathMOD 2022, 10th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modeling, July 2022, Vienna, Austria.
  • S. Hu, U. Fitzer, S. Stindt, T. Bechtold, “Topology Optimization of a Folded Beam Piezoelectric Energy Harvester”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(20), MathMOD 2022, 10th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modeling, July 2022, Vienna, Austria.
  • Y. Rao, C. Xu, T. Bechtold, D. Hohlfeld, “Packaged Thermoelectric Generator with High-aspect-ratio Thermocouple Legs for Electrically Active Implants”, 23rd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2022, St Julian, Malta.
  • A. Schütz, T. Bechtold, “Performance Comparison for Stable Compact Modelling of Piezoelectric Microactuator”, 23rd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2022, St Julian, Malta.
  • C.B. Umunnakwe, I. Zawra, C. Yuan, E.B. Rudnyi, D. Hohlfeld, M. Niessner, T. Bechtold, “Model Order Reduction of a Thermo-Mechanical Packaged Chip Model for Automotive MOSFET Applications”, 23rd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2022, St Julian, Malta
  • U. Fitzer, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Reduced Order Modelling of a Neuron-Electrode Interface”, 23rd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2022, St Julian, Malta.
  • M. Olbrich, A. Schütz, T. Bechtold, A. Christoph, “System-Level Modeling of a Cooperative Microactuator with Free Particle Movement”, MikroSystemTechnik Kongress, VDE Verlag GmbH: Stuttgart-Ludwigsburg, 2021.

  • A. Roy, G. Sadashivaiah, C. Yuan, M. Nabi, T. Bechtold, “Modeling of Thermoelectric Generator via Parametric Model Order Reduction Based on Modified Matrix Interpolation”. In: M. van Beurden, N. Budko, W. Schilders (eds) Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering. Mathematics in Industry, vol 36. Springer, Cham, 2021.
  • G. Sadashivaiah, C. Yuan, T. Bechtold, “Nonlinear Model Order Reduction of a Thermal Human Torso Model”. In: M. van Beurden, N. Budko, W. Schilders (eds) Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering. Mathematics in Industry, vol 36. Springer, Cham, 2021.
  • Y. Rao, S. Bouhedma, T. Bechtold, D. Hohlfeld, “Parametric Simulation of a Packaged Thermoelectric Generator for Electrically Active Implants”, 22nd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2021.

  • S. Hu, U. Fitzer, T. Bechtold, “Topology Optimization of Miniaturized Piezoelectric Energy Harvester”, 22nd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2021.

  • C. Yuan, T. Bechtold, “Geometrically Parametrized Reduced Order Model of a Miniaturized Thermoelectric Generator for Electrically Active Implants”, 22nd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2021.

  • M. Olbrich, A. Schütz, K. Kanjilal, T. Bechtold, U. Wallrabe, C. Ament, “Co-Design and Control of a Magnetic Microactuator for Freely Moving Platforms”. In Proceedings of 1st International Electronic Conference on Actuator Technology: Materials, Devices and Applications, MDPI: Basel, Switzerland, 2020.

  • Y. Rao, S. Bouhedma, C. Yuan, T. Bechtold, D. Hohlfeld, “Towards a System-Level Model of a Tunable Dual-Frequency Piezoelectric Energy Harvester”, 21st International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), July 2020.

  • A. Schütz, S. Hu, E.B. Rudnyi, T. Bechtold, “Electromagnetic System-Level Model of Novel Free Flight Microactuator”, 21st International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), July 2020.

  • S. Hu, A. Schütz, S. Bouhedma, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Design Optimization of a Multi-Resonant Folded Beam Piezoelectric Energy Harvester”, 21st International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), July 2020.
  • (keynote) C. Yuan, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Design Optimization of a Miniaturized Thermoelectric Generator”, 21st International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), July 2020.
  • Y. Rao, S. Kress, C. Yuan, T. Bechtold, D. Hohlfeld, “Thermoelectric energy harvesting in medical implants”, GMM-Workshop Energieautonome Sensorsysteme, March 2020.
  • S. Bouhedma, Y. Rao, A. Schütz, T. Bechtold, D. Hohlfeld, “Towards a Self-adaptive Dual-frequency Vibration-based Harvester”, GMM-Workshop Energieautonome Sensorsysteme, March 2020.
  • S. Hu, A. Schütz, T. Bechtold. „Designoptimierung eines multiresonanten piezoe-lektrischen Energy Harvesters in ANSYS mit optiSLang und Statistics on Structures - Proceedings of 37. CADFEM ANSYS SIMULATION CONFERENCE”, Kassel, Germany, 16-17 Oct., 2019 (ISBN 978-3-937523-38-5).
  • C. Yuan, G. Sadashivaiah, E.B. Rudnyi, T. Bechtold, “A Combination of POD-based Model Order Reduction and Thermal Submodeling for Miniaturized Thermoelectric Generator”, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik-Kongress (MST), October 2019, Berlin, Germany.
  • S. Bouhedma, Y. Rao, Y. Zhang, F. Lange and D. Hohlfeld, “Self-Tuning Dual-Frequency Piezoelectric Energy Harvester”, Proc. Mikrosystemtechnik-Kongress (MST) , October 2019, Berlin, Germany.
  • C. Yuan, G. Sadashivaiah, E.B. Rudnyi, T. Bechtold, “Efficient Design Optimization of a Thermoelectric Generator by a Combination of Model Order Reduction and Thermal Submodeling Techniques”. 33rd European Conference on Modeling and Simulation (ECMS), June 2019, Caserta, Italy.
  • S. Hu, Z. Liu, T. Bechtold, “Fast Topology Optimization for Resonating Structures via Generalized Incremental Frequency Method and Modal Superposition-Based Model Order Reduction”, World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO), May 2019, Beijing, China.

  • S. Hu, C. Yuan, T. Bechtold, “Quasi-Schur Transformation for the Stable Compact Modeling of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Devices”, 12th International Conference on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, September 2018, Taormina, Sicily, Italy.

  • O.S. Jadhav, C. Yuan, E.B. Rudnyi, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Nonlinear Model Order Reduction of Thermoelectric Generator for Electrically Active Implants”. Proc. International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism (ICBEM), May 2018, Achen, Germany.

  • C. Yuan, O.S. Jadhav, E.B. Rudnyi, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Parametric Model Order Reduction of a Thermoelectric Generator for Electrically Active Implants”. 19th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multiphysics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), April 2018, Toulouse, France.

  • C. Yuan, S. Hu, A. Castagnotto, B. Lohmann, T. Bechtold, “Implicit Schur Complement for Model Order Reduction of Second Order Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Model”, MathMOD 2018 Extended Abstract Volume, ARGESIM Report 55, 9th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modeling, 2018, Vienna, Austria, pp.77-78.

  • O.S. Jadhav, C. Yuan, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, “Design of a Thermoelectric Generator for Electrical Active Implants”. Proc. MikroSystemTechnik-Kongress (MST), October 2017, Berlin, Germany.

  • C. Yuan, E.B. Rudnyi, H. Baumgartl, T. Bechtold, “Model Order Reduction and System Simulation of a Machine Tool for Real-Time Compensation of Thermally Induced Deformations”, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 2017, Munich , Germany, pp.1071-1076.